Find your best option!

ironguides offers a variety of training options based on the tried and true  The Method ™ for nearly every  fitness level and training goal. You can choose a complete training program aimed at the triathlon or running event you are preparing for. Or you can opt for a more flexible monthly subscription plan. For a completely personal approach customized to your specific needs and goals, choose our online coaching.

Choose by type of coaching

  • Training Plans

    Event – and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready!From $7USD/week

  • Online Coaching

    If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. From $190USD/month

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We welcome try-outs so drop in for a training session with an ironguides Coach and athletes.


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