Week 1 to Week 4
Welcome to the ironguides 4-week Post-Ironman Recovery Program!
Congratulations on your recent race! After an Ironman event it’s important to focus on Recovery First, and Fitness Second! The Program below is designed to help you recover from your recent effort by giving your whole body — aerobic system, muscles and skeletal system, immune system and your mind — some training to maintain your hard-fought fitness gains, while enabling full recovery from the race.
Ideally you would start this program 1 week after your race and you can follow this through to completion, or use it to get back on your feet for the first 4 – 6 weeks after Ironman and then shift gears to full racing again, depending on your goals and time of year.
A note on rest days: Unless otherwise indicated, your rest days are to be taken when you really need them, or if circumstances demand it (such as a travel day, if you or a family member are ill, and other life events as they occur). On days you are unsure of how you feel (ie. you wake up or head out the door to train feeling unduly tired) — head out anyway and just go through the motions of training VERY easy for twenty minutes or so!
* If you feel better, try to do the scheduled session.
* If you feel the same (still tired, but not worse), do an easy session and adjust as indicated below.
* If you feel worse, pack in the session and head home.
First Workout
Second Workout
20min broken down into 50m kicking repeats (with a board) 30sec rest
20min easy swim with a pullbuoy
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: 20min (10/10)
Week 2: 30min (15/15)
Week 3: Full session
Week 4: Full session
Main Set (Full Session):
15min warm up
5x30sec FAST / 3min easy jog
10min cool down
Build into the Full session as below:
Week 1: 20mi easy jog
Week 2: 30min easy jog
Week 3: 3x30sec
Week 4: Full session
40min of 150m repeats / 20sec rest as:
125m easy/25m all out
Use pullbuoy and paddles
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: 20min of 150m repeats all done easy with pull gear
Week 2: 30min of 150m repeats all done easy with pull gear
Week 3: Full session
Week 4: Full session
40min easy spin on the trainer
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: REST
Week 2: 30min
Week 3: Full session
Week 4: Full session
BIKE: Ride in a higher cadence then usual just to loosen up from Wednesday’s ride.
Broken into 100m repeats – 20sec rest
15min easy
10min moderate
2×100 hard
5min easy
No pull gear
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: 30min of 100m repeats all done easy
Week 2: Full session
Week 3: Full session
Week 4: Full session
40min easy jog on the treadmill
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: REST
Week 2: 20min
Week 3: Full session
Week 4: Full session
RUN: Easy jog on the treadmill, focus on a high leg turnover rate (minimum of 90 steps per minute)
10min warm up
30min as
10x [30sec HARD (Biggest gear) / 2min30sec very easy spin]
Build into the full session as below:
Week 1: 4x30sec
Week 2: 6x30sec
Week 3: 8x30sec
Week 4: Full session
Cross Training
CROSS TRAINING: Skip the bike if you are doing some physical activity outside, such as rock climbing, trekking, mountain biking, rollerblading, tennis, kayaking, etc
Switch this with Saturday’s workout if that fits you better!