Terms and Conditions

The following are the Terms & Conditions for all ironguides coaching services:

1) ironguides triathlon clubs
2) Personalized coaching
3) Training Plans
4) Training Plan monthly subscriptions
5) Training Camps & Races
6) Personal Training


1) Triathlon Club


Membership Duration

  • On going months membership, non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Freeze your membership (3 months package only) for a minimum of 30 days, maximum of 60 days, one-time per membership, at a cost of 1 day for 3 days frozen (ie, stop membership for 30 days, it will ‘cost’ you 10 days, membership is paused by 20 days).

Send an email to info@ironguides.net to freeze membership and to unfreeze.

Membership includes

  • 2 weekly classes (1 on each discipline, swim only on your ability day), 1 quarterly cycling class
  • No training on public holidays.
  • Sessions Only packages: Access to 2x weekly group workouts
  • Discount voucher for apparel purchase (value depends on membership duration)
  • Communication via Facebook group & Newsletter official announcements and training app for training plan members

Other Policies

  • In case of cancellation of classes, memberships will be credited as 1 week for swim or run membership only, and 4 days for triathlon memberships
  • When you attend an ironguides class you allow us to use your images for promotion purposes


  • All payments are online, via ironguides.net website
  • Memberships are a recurring subscription. To stop them log onto paypal  > settings > payment > manage automatic payments > cancel ironguides subscription.
  • Recurring memberships can be refunded within 15 days of payment processed
  • Cost Drop in sessions: 400thb run sessions, 600thb swim sessions. Payment in advance, non-refundable due to limited slots per class.

    2) Personalized Coaching

    Payment & Contract Terms

    Ongoing Monthly Coaching (Online or combined with triathlon club)

      • You receive a custom-tailored Training Plan and email contact.
      • Basic: one athlete-initiated email per week
      • Complete: unlimited email contact, 1h skype/phone per month
      • Premium: with unlimited email, skype/phone, and 2 days per trimester personal visits (all expenses paid)
      • Skype or telephone coaching available for extra fee for Basic packages, or as negotiated with your coach
      • Your first payment covers your initial setup fee (100USD), first and last month of coaching. The Total =  Months 1 + Last Month. Your second and subsequent payment covers the coming months.
      • To cancel the subscription > to go paypal > Settings (icon) > payments> manage pre-approved payments> find the subscription merchant > click on the profile > cancel subscription profile
      • 6 months minimum commitment. In case of a break, you will be ask to repay the set up fee when restarting.
      • Cancellations are one month in advance. This means you are liable for one month of coaching fees at the time you announce your intention to cancel, not including the current month. This ensures we can properly detrain you and provide exit advice, and market your slot to prospective athletes. There are physical repercussions to sudden halts in regular training.

    3) Training Plans

        • Training plans are non-refundable and non-trasferable
        • The download link will expire after 48h hours and or after 2 clicks/downloads

    Link Re-issue
    You forgot to download the link and it’s been more than a week!

    Pay our $10 reissue fee and receive your training plan again.

    Click on the link below:



    ** Links will not be re-issued after twelve months of the purchase date **

    Email Correspondence

    Accelerated Training Program Coaching [more]
    (6-week Sprint, 10-week Olympic, 12-week 70.3 and 16-week Ironman Accelerated Training Coaching Programs):

        • Once-weekly athlete-initiated email (anytime)
        • Your coach will not initiate email contact.
        • Non-refundable

    4) Training Plans monthly subscriptions

        • Payment is upon subscription
        • Your payment covers the current month of training.
        • Your login ID and password are created by you, instructions via email upon purchase
        • Past months’ plans are not maintained online.
        • To cancel the subscription > to go paypal > history > find the subscription starting date > click on the profile > cancel subscription profile
        • When you cancel your subscription your login becomes invalid
        • No refunds or change in plans

5) ironguides Training Camp & Races

What is the Cancellation Policy?
  • Cancellation Insurance (must be purchased together with the camp) = Full refund minus insurance value of 300thb up to 24h before the start of the camp, must notify via email (info@ironguides.net)
  • By default, there is no refund for all other packages
  • Covid-19 Special – Full refund up 24h before the start of the camp for Covid restrictions (interprovice travel and gatherings banned).

Disclaimer & Waiver

I, here of in consideration of and as a condition of acceptance of my entry into the ironguides training camp or associated event for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators hereby waive all and any claim, right of cause of action which I or they might otherwise have for or arising out of loss of my life or injury, damage of any description whatsoever, which I may suffer or sustain in the course of or consequent upon my entry or participation in the above race. I will abide by the race rules governing these events. This waiver, release discharge shall be and operate separately in favor of all persons, corporations, and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in the promoting of the event and the service agents, representatives and officers of any of them. I attest that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for completion of the entered race. I give permission for the free use of my name, voice or picture in any broadcast, telecast, advertising promotion or other account of this event.

6) Personal Training

What is the Cancellation Policy?
  • Sessions must be cancelled within 24h, otherwise session will be charged
  • Expiry from purchase: 2 weeks for single session purchase, 16 weeks for 10 sessions package
  • Sessions are 1h long and in central Bangkok. Exceptions must be discussed with coach


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