Learn about ironguides’ Method!
ironguides offers you the opportunity to further your knowledge based on the tried and true triathlon training principle of The Method ™.
The manual will help you:
• Understand an entirely different perspective on triathlon and endurance sport training that does away with traditional, generic “zone training” and “power meter” oriented approaches.
• Learn how different Systems in the body can be trained independently and in conjunction with each other.
• Understand how the above can be applied to creating more effective training plans and programs.
• Learn how to apply a cyclic training approach to devising training programs for all abilities of athlete.
• Appreciate the importance of the coach-athlete relationship in generating athletic performance, and apply certain techniques to improve communications and empathy between coach and athlete.
• Recognize common training mistakes and help athletes develop a more lighthearted, at-ease approach to training and racing.
What you get:
The Method is unlike any other training method you’ve tried. Based on our coaches experiences that includes multiple Top-10 Ironman performances, sub-nine-hour Ironmans, sub-four-hour half Ironmans, sub-1:50 non-drafting short-course triathlons, and multiple Top-40y Hawaii Ironman finishes, as well as the principles behind the training of other top international athletes, The Method will help you gain the resources and knowledge to help your athletes be at their best possible condition come race day :