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Ironguides Bangkok – March 2020 Updates





ironguides Bangkok newsletter: Stay updated on what our group is up to!

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March 2020

Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month
*Classes starts again Monday, March 2nd
*New classes schedule
*Velodrome session confirmed March 14th, 7.30am @Velodrome HuaMak
*Another 5 members qualified for World Champs 2020

Enjoy your training,

New classes schedule    

Monday: Swim session for all levels at Raquet club, 19:30-20:50

Wednesday: Run session at Thepahasadin public track, 18:30-19:50

Thursday: Swim session for all levels at Raquet club, 19:30-20:50

Saturday: monthly Bike session on velodrome  and quarterly Open water swim session at Tako lake

Sunday: quarterly group bike ride on Bangkok’s country side roads.

Members Updates 

Congrats to Leon Coolen, Dani Cruz Bardera, Victor Audienne, Kipsan Beck and Ivan Vlasenko for their World Championships qualification at Ironman 70.3 Bangsaen. We are now 12 qualifiers for Worlds 2020

Photos from the Ironman 70.3 Bangsaen:

Lindsay finishing 3rd overall women

True friendship

Award ceremony

Camps Calendar 2020     

Our camp calendar is now confirmed for 2020. Each camp will have a different purpose and focus on either a specific distance or skill. We may be adding more events in 2020. Stay tuned via newsletter and Facebook group!

23-24 May, HUA HIN – Ironman & Long Distance Cycling Camp

Long distance camp. Ideally for athletes racing Ironman events in the middle of the year or if you want to get some long hours done to build a base for the rest of the season. Registration now open

1-2 AUG, HUA HIN – Hills & Skills Camp

All about up and down. This camp has the goal to improve your technical skills in the hills. There will be technical sessions as well as practical.

23-25 OCT (long weekend), LOCATION TBC – Mixed Camp

With a 3 day weekend, we will have the opportunity to mix things up a bit more. We are planning a combination of all the elements of the other camps: skills, hills, long sessions, race simulation. Location to be confirmed, either Phuket or Hua Hin

Q1 2021 – Ironman 70.3 Specific

Following the 2020 camp, this camp will prepare you both physically and help you set your strategy to perform at your best at the Ironman 70.3 distance

Open Water Swim Session @Taco Lake

Coached sessions

Open water Swim Session – May (date TBC)

Open water wim session 
0800-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0915 – Warm up (800 to 1600m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – Race Simulation + cool down (1600m)

Total distances (approx):
Beginner – 2,400m
Intermediate – 3,000m
Advanced – 3,200m

-Free for members
-600THB drop in non-members (book here)
-Includes access to the lake, a personal safety buoy, locker & shower.

*Taco lake is ~1h drive from Central BKK


Coached Sessions

  • Where: Racquet Club (Map below).
  • Time: 7.30pm-8.50pm
  • Monday and Thursday, Advanced and Beginner levels. 


  • Free for club members and coached athletes (2x a week)
  • 600thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)


Monthly coached velodrome sessions:

*Next velodrome session: March 14 

Where: Velodrome inside Rajamangala Stadium (Hua Mak) on Ramkhamhaeng road.

When: Saturdays @7.30-9.30am (technique drills starts at 7.30am)

*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)

What if it rains or we cant use the velodrome due to any race/event:
*We do a bike technique & skills drills instead. Same meeting point


Weekly Coached Sessions

Where: Thephasadin 400m track
When: Wednesdays @6.30-7.50pm


*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes  (book & pay online, in advance)

Membership & Coaching Service Offers

Drop in Sessions (book & pay online, in advance)

  • Cost: 350thb run & velodrome sessions, 600thb swim sessions. Payment in advance, non-refundable due to limited slots per class.

Triathlon Club Membership – 3 months option 

  • 3 months membership: 6900thb
  • 6 months membership: 11900thb

Includes access to weekly swim, bike run sessions, training plans library, article & apparel/helmet voucher. (more)

Personalized Coaching:


  • Access to all sessions
  • Personalized training plan
  • Email with your coach
  • Apparel voucher

Starts at 5.900thb/month (more)

Sponsors & Discounts: 


Find the discount code inside your training plan / login area:

TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race

 Training Plan library 

Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):

* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels): 
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available

* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training

Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE

Canned Training Plans now in THAI language

โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ

Online Booking system for drop in classes   

Online Booking system for drop in athletes

In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.

The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.

How to make your booking online:

1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class

2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send

3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.

 Maps – Squad location

Racquet Club @google map – Map 1

Racquet Club Map 2

Velodrome @ Rajamangala Stadium (Hua Mak)

Running Track by National Stadium BTS (next to MBK)

In This Issue

Squad Sessions – Updates:
• Cycling
• Running

• Events & Races Calendar 
 Members Updates 

Articles & Videos:
Exclusive squad article & Training Plan

 Tri Gear: ironguides Apparel

Membership & Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets

Squad location 

Website Refresh

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