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New Year resolutions: key to success

Another year has flown by—we are heading into the new year and all the challenges it will bring. Making New Year’s resolutions can be very rewarding and actually lead to significant change—however, for 99 percent of us it is just a thought that lasts a day and then is forgotten as we go about our daily lives.

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Ironguides Bangkok – February 2022 Updates


ironguides Bangkok newsletter: Stay updated on what our group is up to!

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Dear athletes, below the relevant updates for the upcoming month

*10 slots left! Long Distance Race Simulation & Training Camp 2-3 April
*Road to a Summer Ironman 70.3 and Full ironman
*Members updates: 7 athletes in the top 8 – January Tridash

Enjoy your training,

Visit ironguides Bangkok

The Warm Up (Head Coach Notes)

Dear Members,

The 2022 season started very well for our team at the Tridash, we had 7 athletes in the Top 8 of Saturday race as well as the plenty of PB’s and Wins on Sunday’s event. For February Dash, I suggest you register for the Long event so we can enjoy another day of fun and battleSeveral of our members are aiming to race long distance triathlons in the middle of the year, most popular choices are Ironman 70.3 Vietnam, and Full Ironmans in the European Summer, for that reason we are adding a long distance schedule to our programe, as we get closer to these events, athletes will have the choice to do a longer workout at the track and in April we are organizing a training camp weekend which includes a race simulation so you can build yourself into your key long distance race

Enjoy your training,
Vinnie Santana
ironguides Head Coach

Race Report & Members Updates: 

ironguides @Tridash – 7 in the top 8 – In February lets all do the Long Dash, enjoy your 10% off ironguides discount code

Long Distance Training Camp & Race Simulation: 

Very excited to announce a Long Distance Training camp on April 2-3 with the focus will be Long Distance Triathlons. It will include a race Simulation 1.5k swim / 90k bike / 10k run with 3,000THB symbolic prize purse to spice things up (women get 30min time bonus!) as well as a long ride of 130km (90k for beginners), open water swim & a QA session with the Coach.

Many of you are training for Ironman Vietnam 70.3 as well as a full ironman in the summer, this camp will be perfect to transition you into long distance racing, the shortened run will take less out of you while you can still practice pacing, nutrition and race day strategy.

Beginners athletes are welcomed and we have a shorter version too as course will be multilap (2x 750m swim, 3x30km bike, 2.5km run).

Please read the FAQ carefully especially the cut off guidelines as well as cancellations policy (now with an insurance option to keep it simple)

Registrations are open, max of 25 participants.


Coached Sessions at Racquet club 

  • Where: Racquet Club (Map below).
  • Time: 18.30-19.50pm
  • MONDAY: Technique Focus + Conditioning.
  • THURSDAY: Conditioning Focus + Technique


  • Free for coached athletes, tri-club members (1x week only), swim club members (1 or 2x week)
  • 600thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)


Weekly Coached Sessions

Where: National stadium (warm up 200m blue track )
When: Wednesdays @18.30-20.00

*Free for members & coached athletes
*400thb for drop in athletes  (book & pay online, in advance)


Online training! Download the sessions of your training plan to Zwift or Trainerroad and upload to the app folder, they will appear under Custom workouts. More instructions in the members area of our app

Download file from the ironguides app and move to zwift folder

You can now let zwift guide your ironguides training

Membership & Coaching Services

Drop in Sessions (book & pay online, in advance)

  • Cost: 400 THB running sessions, 600 THB swimming sessions. Payment online, in advance (non-refundable)

3 Months – Sessions Only Membership: 4 options  

  • Run Sessions only: 2500 THB per 3 months
  • Run + Swim Sessions: 4500 THB per 3 months
  • NEW! Swim Sessions only 1x week: 4000 THB per 3 months
  • NEW! Swim Sessions only 2x week: 6500 THB per 3 months

Includes access to weekly sessions, ironguides member status (preferred pricing on events & apparel)

3 Months – Sessions + Training Plan + Coaching Access: 2 options  

  • Run Sessions only: 4500 THB per 3 months
  • Run + Swim Sessions: 6500 THB per 3 months

Includes access to training plans via app, quarterly email with Coach to structure your training plans, weekly sessions, ironguides member status (preferred pricing on events & apparel)

Personalized Coaching + Sessions:


  • Access to all sessions
  • Customized training plan
  • Weekly communication with your coach
  • Member status

Starts at 5.900thb/month (more)

ironguides APP – ALL in one place

With our new app we have 3 mains goals:

Provide you a training plan & coaching support

All Training Plans are available in 2 loads, high and low (# of hours and training days) as well as 3 levels of workouts (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

Plans available 
Ongoing Triathlon (short course & overall development)
Balanced Running (5, 10k & overall development)
16-weeks Ironman 70.3
20-weeks Ironman Full
Bike Development, Swim Run maintenance
Run Development, Swim Bike maintenance
Swim Development, Bike Run maintenance

How it works: Sign up for the plans package, fill in the questionnaire with goals & background, discuss with the coach your 3 month plan, start training. Watch our explainer video. 

Build an Online Community

The message board is more structure, a good place to find training buddies doing the same training plan and sessions as you on non-coached days. Organize trips to races or events. Stay updated on coaching announcements

The social wall is a casual place to exchange information such as racing opportunities, training photos, members updates.

Manage your Performance

A training log to manage and log your training information with special features such as performance calculators and training performance analysis

Desktop View of your training plan. Mobile version also available

Manage your Performance – Mobile Performance analysis

Online Community: Train together, Race together, share experiences online and offline

Watch App Explainer Video

Lockdown Members! We need to confirm your membership status

Regarding the time left on your membership, and you can track it following the steps in this video using your login access on our homepage footer (if you can’t retrieve yours, reply to this email).

We are offering our members 3 options – we need you to confirm via this form your preferred option:

a) Run Only Classes (+ bonus training plan and access to the ironguides app). This membership will run at a third of the usual rate (ie 20 days will be frozen monthly).

b) Swim + Run Classes (+ bonus training plan and access to the ironguides app). This membership will run at two third of the usual rate.

c) Maintain membership frozen until you are comfortable to come back to training

If you opt for option B, you will also need to select in the form one day to come swimming. Both days will offer the same workout, for now and all levels are welcome. Pick the day that best suits you.

if we dont hear from you, we will maintain the membership frozen by default  Here is the form 

Reactivate my Membership

Sponsors & Discounts:


Find the discount code at the message board of our app

TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2021 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race

UJAMU: 10% OFF at any event during 2021 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race

XTERRA WETSUITS: 65% OFF at any event during 2021 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race

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