Dear athletes, below updates for training in March:
* Group sessions in full swing * Swimming classes at Raquet club on Monday (Advance group) and Thursday (Intermediate-Beginner group) at 19:30 * Run track sessions on Tuesday, 18:30 (Thephasadin track) * Virtual bike sessions on zwift on Wednesday 18:40 * Open water swim+run session at Tako lake on Saturday, 8:30
* Monthly Sky Lane brik confirmed on 28th March, 7:30
* Long run + 5k test at Lumphini park confirmed on 12th March, 18:30 * For timely updates follow our Facebook page
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
–Sessions cancelled on 6th ,14March – TOA triathlon and Tri Dash weekend – Monthly Sky Lane brik confirmed on 28th March – 5km run test confirmed on 12th March @Lumphini park, 18:45
Swim at Raquet club.
Please note that Monday’s session for Advance level only and class on Thursday for Intermediate/Beginner level.
Run Track at Thephasadin stadium
Every Tuesday 18:30
Virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our meet ups on Zwift every Wednesday 18:40.
Open water swim at Taco
Weekly open water swim + run session at Taco lake every Saturday, 8:30am – great way to start your training weekend.
Brik session at Sky lane
Monthly bike+run session confirmed on 28th March 7:30am
Non members. Drop in option available as
1) Swim session at Raquet club (limited 1-2 spots per day), please book in advance.
Cost: 600 thb
2) Run session at track
Cost: 350thb
3) Open water swim+run at Tako lake
Cost: 600 thb
4) Brik session at Sky Lane – 350 thb
Weekly virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:40 (80min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Weekly Coached Sessions
Where: National stadium (Thephasadin track) When: Tuesday @18.30-20.00
*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)
Open Water Swim+Run Session @Taco Lake
Weekly coached sessions, Saturday 8:30am
Sessions cancelled on 6th and 20th March (TOA triathlon and Tri dash race)
Open water swim session Schedule
0815-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
10:00 Short run off the swim Total distances (approx): Swim:
Beginner – 1,600m
Intermediate – 2,000m
Advanced – 3000m Run:
-600THB (book here)
-Includes access to the lake, a personal safety buoy, locker & shower.
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2021 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Get your code from coach Ivan
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below updates for training in February:
* Group sessions resumed * Swimming classes at Raquet club on Monday (Advance group). 2 waves of 5 athletes (19-19:55, 20-20:55). * Run track sessions on Tuesday, 18:30 (Thephasadin track) * Virtual bike sessions on zwift on Wednesday 18:40 * Swimming classes at Raquet club on Thursday (Beginner/Intermediate group). 2 waves of 5 athletes (19-19:55, 20-20:55). * Open water swim session at Tako lake on Saturday, 8:30 * For timely updates follow our Facebook page
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
We resumed our group training sessions with weekly swim, bike (virtual), run and monthly group ride at Sky Lane
Swim at Raquet club.
Please note that Monday’s session for Advance level only and class on Thursday for Intermediate/Beginner level.
As we follow the rules of Raquet club we have to spread our Monday’s and Thursday’s class in 2 waves. First wave of 5 athletes (19:00-19:55) and second wave of 5 athletes (20:00-20:55). Please comfirm with coach Ivan time that you join the class.
Run Track at Thephasadin stadium
We back on track. Every Tuesday 18:30
Virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our meet ups on Zwift every Wednesday 18:40.
Open water swim at Taco
Weekly open water swim + run session at Taco lake every Saturday, 8:30am – great way to start your training weekend.
Brik session at Sky lane
Monthly bike+run session confirmed on 28th February 7:30am
Non members. Drop in option available as
1) Swim session at Raquet club (limited 1-2 spots per day), please book in advance.
Cost: 600 thb
2) Run session at track
Cost: 350thb
3) Open water swim+run at Tako lake
Cost: 600 thb
4) Brik session at Sky Lane – 350 thb
Weekly virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:40 (80min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Weekly Coached Sessions
Where: National stadium (Thephasadin track) When: Tuesday @18.30-19.50
*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)
Open Water Swim+Run Session @Taco Lake
Weekly coached sessions, Saturday 8:30am
Open water swim session Schedule
0815-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
10:00 Short run off the swim Total distances (approx): Swim:
Beginner – 1,600m
Intermediate – 2,000m
Advanced – 3000m Run:
-600THB (book here)
-Includes access to the lake, a personal safety buoy, locker & shower.
We want you to stay focused and motivated with a race in the first quarter of 2021.
Commit to race on March 7th, if all goes well, the TOA race at Sam Roi Yot (Sprint, Olympic or Duathlon), however as a back up, we are also setting up a training camp on that same weekend, at that same venue, which includes a Duathlon Race simulation on day 2 and a long ride + swimrun on day 1. Registrations will open depending on travel & other restrictions as well as the status of the TOA event. More updates on the ironguides FB group.
Distances for the Duathlon Race Simulation: 6.5k run + 44k bike (or 22k for beginners) + 6.5k run
Photo: Sam Roi Yot Camp Venue (from our camp in Jan.2020)
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2021 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below updates for upcoming weeks/months of lockdown:
* Group sessions only on weekends * Swimmimg classes at Raquet cancelled
* Run track sessions cancelled * Group rides on weekends
* Virtual bike sessions on zwift every Tuesday and Thursday 18:40-20:00 * One and three months membership packages with 50% discount (new) * We got a camp and or a race on March 7th * For timely updates follow our Facebook page
Option 1. Freeze memberships 50% with 3 weekly sessions.
Tuesday: Zwift meet up (hill repeats) 18:40-20:00
Thursdsday: Zwift meet up (VO2max repeats) 18:40-20:00
Saturday: Group ride+short run off as option (Beginner group), 7am
Sunday: Group ride + short run off as option (Advance group), 7am
Option 2. Freeze memberships for lockdown period but access to virtual zwift meet ups.
Non members. Drop in option still available as weekly package.
Cost: 600 thb Package include: 1 group ride in one of the day ( Saturday beginner group or Sunday advance group ) + 2 virtual bike sessions on Zwift.
2 overall podiums and few age group awards for the team in Ranong.
Seems Navy triathlon will be "A" race in the first quater of 2021.
Meantime in Bangkok Kipsan Beck proved that he is ''king of dash'' with top 3 finishes over weekend, on Saturday Dash distance and Sunday – Long Dash. Also taking overall win by points at GC for 2020 season!!
Not to forget about our new Ironguides athlete, who join our squad early 2020 and getting award "Rockie of the year" – k'Gam
(18min improvement on the same course). Keep it up!
Even with less race in the schedule its important to keep training regulary and consistently. When race pop up – you ready to smash it!
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Tuesday and Thursday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:40 (80min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow "Ivan Vlasenko" on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on "ride" at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on "Ride with Ivan Vlasenko" on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once "in the game", you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Where: Meeting point seven-eleven near Ban Thap Chang Airport link station ( location )
When: Saturday and Sunday @7:00-10:00am
Note: please note our first group ride Sunday, 10th January for both levels. Coach Vinnie will lead advance group and coach Ivan will lead beginner group.
*Free for club members
*600thb for drop in athletes as weekly package, including access to Zwift meet up (book & pay online, in advance)
Weekly Coached Sessions
Run group sessions cancelled during lockdown period
We want you to stay focused and motivated with a race in the first quarter of 2021.
Commit to race on March 7th, if all goes well, the TOA race at Sam Roi Yot (Sprint, Olympic or Duathlon), however as a back up, we are also setting up a training camp on that same weekend, at that same venue, which includes a Duathlon Race simulation on day 2 and a long ride + swimrun on day 1. Registrations will open depending on travel & other restrictions as well as the status of the TOA event. More updates on the ironguides FB group.
Distances for the Duathlon Race Simulation: 6.5k run + 44k bike (or 22k for beginners) + 6.5k run
Photo: Sam Roi Yot Camp Venue (from our camp in Jan.2020)
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it's a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren't required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Quick updates on the final newsletter of the year:
* Swim sessions cancelled on 7th and 10th December – Public holidays * No open water swim sessions during December * Monthly Sky Lane brik session confirmed on 12th December * End year break – 2 weeks break ( last day of training 17th Dec, back to group training 4th Jan 2021 ) * Ironguides End year dinner confirmed on 23rd December (place and time TBA) * For timely updates follow our Facebook page
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
Holidays break – 2 weeks
Last session of 2020 – Thursday 17th December – final swim before big Tri-Dash weekend on 19-20 Dec
First session of 2021 – Monday 4th January
All memberships will be frozen for 2 weeks
Ironguides podium at Laguna Phuket triathlon
Big congratulations to Christopher Mascarenhas Keyes to finish top 3 at recent race of legends Laguna Phuket Triathlon 2020
Well done Chris and all finishers!
Weekly virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 19:00 (80min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance)
Ironguides social dinner
To celebrate enf of the year we will have our social dinner on 23rd December!
Time and place TBA on our facebook page
November’s night out with LPT finishers
Open Water Swim+Run Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Brik session – Open water Swim + run off the lake – every Sunday 8:30am (except race weekend and public holidays)
Please note no sessions in December due race weekends (13th and 19-20th December – CIMB triathlon and Tri-Dash/Navy triathlon).
Open water swim session Schedule
0815-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
* Open water swim sessions cancelled on 1st, 8th and 22nd November – Hua Hincamp,Tri Dash race and Laguna Phuket Triathlon on these days. * Monthly brik session (bike+run) at Sky Lane confirmed on 14th November. * Open water swim+run session at Taco lake confirmed on Sunday, 15th and 29th November.
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
* Swimming classes at Raquet club every Monday and Thursday, 19:30
* Run classes on Thephasadin Stadium every Tuesday, 18:30
* Virtual bike sessions on Zwift every Wednesday, 19:00 (highly reccomended for those who have smart trainers).
*Monthly Sky lane brik session (bike+run) confirmed on Saturday 14th November, 7:30am
* Open water swim+run session at Taco lake on Sunday 15th and 29th November, 8:30am
Weekly virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:30 (75min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Open Water Swim+Run Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Brik session – Open water Swim + run off the lake – every Sunday 8:30am (except race weekend and public holidays)
Please note only 2 sessions in November (15th and 29th November). Final open water practice before LPT on 15th.
Open water swim session Schedule
0815-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
* Open water swim sessions cancelled on 4th and 25th October – Tri Dash race and public holiday,
Monday’s swim on 26th October – public holiday * Monthly brik session (bike+run) at Sky Lane confirmed on 10th October * Open water swim+run session at Taco lake confirmed on Sunday, 11th and 18th October
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
* Swimming classes at Raquet club every Monday and Thursday, 19:30
* Run classes on Thephasadin Stadium every Tuesday, 18:30
* Virtual bike sessions on Zwift every Wednesday, 18:30 (highly reccomended for those who have smart trainers).
*Monthly Sky lane brik session (bike+run) confirmed on Saturday 10th October, 7:30am
* Open water swim+run session at Taco lake on Sunday 11th and 18th October, 8:30am
Weekly virtual bike session on Zwift
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:30 (75min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Open Water Swim+Run Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Brik session – Open water Swim + run off the lake – every Sunday 8:30am (except race weekend and public holidays)
Please note only 2 sessions in October (11th and 18th October)
Open water swim session Schedule
0815-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
-600THB (book here)
-Includes access to the lake, a personal safety buoy, locker & shower.
*Taco lake is ~1h drive from Central BKK
Final Camp of the year in Hua Hin 31-Oct & 1-Nov. Focus is Laguna Phuket Triathlon preparation
Training Camp in Hua Hin with Coach Vinnie Santana
Final ironguides Training Camp Series of the year, 31-Oct & 1-nov. The focus will be a specific preparation for Laguna Phuket Triathlon, led by ironguides Coach Vinnie Santana.
Day 1 start with a bike run race simulation, 55k ride (with hills) followed by 6 to 12k run depending on your level. On day 2 a swim that mimics the transition from ocean to lagoon of Phuket, followed by hill repeats. There are some other sessions and lectures in the schedule too.
All levels welcomed as long as you can ride 40km at an average speed of over 27kph
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
* Sessions cancelled on 6, 7th Settember – public holidaysand 13, 20th September – Tri Dash weekend and Nakorn Phanom triathlon * Monthly velodrome session confirmed on 26th September * Final 2 slots available for Hua Hin Camp Oct-31, Nov-1
* Swimming classes at Raquet club every Monday and Thursday, 19:30
* Run classes on Thephasadin Stadium every Tuesday, 18:30
* Virtual bike sessions on Zwift every Wednesday, 18:30
*Monthly Velodrome session, 26th September, 7:30am
* Open water swim+run session at Taco lake on Sunday 27th September, 8:30
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 18:30 (75min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-180sec to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow "Ivan Vlasenko" on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on "ride" at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on "Ride with Ivan Vlasenko" on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once "in the game", you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Training Camp in Hua Hin with Coach Vinnie Santana
Slots are still a couple slots available for the final ironguides Training Camp Series of the year, 31-Oct & 1-nov. The focus will be a specific preparation for Laguna Phuket Triathlon, led by ironguides Coach Vinnie Santana.
Day 1 start with a bike run race simulation, 55k ride (with hills) followed by 6 to 12k run depending on your level. On day 2 a swim that mimics the transition from ocean to lagoon of Phuket, followed by hill repeats. There are some other sessions and lectures in the schedule too.
All levels welcomed as long as you can ride 40km at an average speed of over 27kph
Weekly Brik session – Open water Swim + run off the lake – every Sunday 8:30am (except race weekend and public holidays)
Please note only one session in September (27th September)
Open water swim session Schedule
0800-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1100m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it's a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren't required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
* Sessions cancelled on 27,28th July and 12 August – public holidays * Monthly virtual race on Zwift confirmed on 8th August * Velodrome session on 15th August * Aquathlon mini-race confirmed on 16th August @Taco lake * 5km run test confirmed on 28 th August @Lumphini park * Slots still available for Hua Hin Camp in August, 2 dates
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
* Swimming classes at Raquet club every Monday and Thursday, 19:30
* Run classes on Thephasadin Stadium every Tuesday, 18:30
* Virtual bike sessions on Zwift every Wednesday, 18:00 and 19:15
* Velodrome session confirmed on 15th August
* Open water swim+run session at Taco lake every Sunday, 8:30 (except race weekend and public holiday)
Aquathlon mini race on 16th August
* Monthly virtual bike race on Zwift confirmed on 8th August, 8:00am
* 5k time trial run test in Lumpini park on 28th August, 19:00
* Swimming session on 27th July, run session on 28th July and Zwift bike meet up on 12th august cancelled – Public holidays
Aquathlon mini race @Taco lake
Where: Taco lake When: 16th August 8:30am Mini-race distance: 600m swim + 1,6km run Schedule:
8:15-8:30 Arrive on location
8:30-9:05 Warm up swim 750-1250m
9:15 Aquathlon start 600m (2 laps: 200m+400m) + 1,6km run (800m out and back)
9:45-10:00 Cool down
* Free for club members & coached athletes
* 600THB for drop in athletes (book & pay online, in advance here)
-Includes access to the lake, a personal safety buoy, locker & shower.
*Taco lake is ~1h drive from Central BKK
5km time trial run test, 2nd edition
Photo: Kristian Blummenfelt (IM 70.3 WR holder)
Seeking for a race to check your run fitness or just simply missing run events?
Where: Lumpini park (meeting point: 200m from the entrance @Suan Lumphini school (Witthayu road)
When: Friday, 28th August 18:45-20:15
18:45-19:00 arrive on meeting point
19:00 – 19:25 Warm up run 3-5km
19:30 Intermediate group start 2×2,5km
19:33 Advance group start 2×2,5km
19:35 Beginner group start 1×2,5km
19:55 Cool down 1-2km
Total session volume: beginner group 7-8km, intermediate and advance 12-14km
*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online)
Results of Ironguides third virtual bike race on Zwift 4.07.2020
Top 7 of Ironguides virtual bike race #3.
Distance: 48,7km with 900m of elevation gain.
1. Ivan Vlasenko 1h25
2. Saha Bhasavanich 1h27
3. Romain Chevalier 1h31
4. Sam Burns 1h38
5. Vunh Nguyen 1h40
6. Francois Garancher 1h45
7. Danil Dachkevitch 2h10
Join us next time to push your limits!
Weekly Virtual Bike classes
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 19:00 (75min, main set: short intervals/hill repeats 30-60sec repeats to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Ironguides virtual bike race #4 on 8.08.2020
During raining season this session is a good option for your long training on Saturday morning that include volume and intensity plus of course solid work on the hills… Add 30-45min warm up before the race plus 20min easy spin as cool down and you will get around 3 hours in the saddle.
-Free for members and coached athletes
-350thb for drop in athletes.
After payment has done you will get invitation via Zwift companion app.
There are special prizes from our sponsors for top 3 men and 1 women
Race mode is ON
Slots still availble for August Camp + Olympic Distance Race Simulation in Hua Hin
Training Camp in Hua Hin with Coach Vinnie Santana
“Some of the best cycling you will ever do, and there’s a race too!”
Slots are still available for the ironguides Training Camp Series in August in Hua Hin with ironguides Coach Vinnie Santana.
Day 1 features a long ride in the morning (75-115k depending on your level), and in the afternoon some technique work in the swim and on the run. In the evening dinner with a lecture on race day strategies.
Day 2 is a race simulation, Olympic Distance.
Dates: August 1-2: Beginner to Intermediate level on the bike. Long ride of ~75km at ~25kph August 22-23: Intermediate to Advanced. Long ride of ~115km at ~30kph
As your fitness increase, so does the race simulation distance. On day 1 we do sessions that will help you perform better on race day, with an easy long ride in the morning, an easy pre-race swim-run in the evening and on Day 2 a race simulation, Olympic Distance
23-25 OCT (long weekend), Hua Hin – Long Distance Camp
Our final camp of the year is focused on long distances, starting with a long race simulation of 2-3k swim, 77k bike and 9.4 to 14.4k on the run, the day after a long ride of 112 to 132km.
Open Water Swim Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Brik session – Open water Swim + run off swim – every Sunday 8:30am (except race weekend and public holidays)
Open water swim session Schedule
0800-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1600m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
*Back to group sessions with full schedule
*Monthly virtual race on Zwift confirmed on 4th July
*5k time trial run test on 18th July (Lumpini park)
*Registration for Hua Hin Camp in August now open
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
We are finally back with full training schedule!
* Swimming classes at Raquet club every Monday and Thursday, 19:30
* Run classes back on Thephasadin Stadium every Tuesday, 18:30
* Virtual bike session on Zwift every Wednesday, 19:00
* Open water swim session at Taco lake every Sunday, 8:30 (except race weekend)
* Monthly virtual bike race on Zwift confirmed on 4th July, 8:00
* 5k time trial run test in Lumpini park on 18th July, 8:00
* Velodrome session, date TBC
* Swimming session on 6th July cancelled – Public holiday
5km time trial run test (NEW SESSION)
Photo: Kristian Blummenfelt (IM 70.3 WR holder)
Seeking for a race to check your run fitness or just simply missing run events? Here is session for you!
Where: Lumpini park (meeting point: entrance @Suan Lumphini school (Witthayu road)
When: Saturday 18th of July 7:15-8:45am
7:15-7:45 warm up (1-2×2,5km) + stretching
7:50 Beginner group start 2×2,5km
7:55 Intermidiate group start 2×2,5km
8:00 Advance group start 2×2,5km
8:30 Cool down
*Free for club members & coached athletes
*350thb for drop in athletes (book & pay online)
Results of Ironguides second virtual bike race on Zwift 6.06.2020
Top 7 of Ironguides virtual bike race #2.
Distance: 48,4km with 993m of elevation gain.
1. Romain Raimbault 1h27’10”
2. Ivan Vlasenko 1h27’52”
3.Saha Bhasavanich 1h30
4. Matt Barrett1h34
5. Teerachai Tira 1h36
6. Francois Garancher 1h39
7. Andrea De Caprio 1h40
Join us next time to push your limits!
Weekly Virtual Bike classes
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Wednesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 19:00 (75min, main set: short intervals 30-60sec repeats to improve your VO2max)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
-Free for members and coached athletes
-350thb for drop in athletes.
After payment has done you will get invitation via Zwift companion app.
There are special prizes from our sponsors for top 3 men and 1 women
Race mode is ON
Registration now open for August Camp + Olympic Distance Race Simulation in Hua Hin
Training Camp in Hua Hin with Coach Vinnie Santana
Day 1 starts with a long ride (75-115km depending on level). In the afternoon a swim+run activation/technical session to prepare for the race, which is on Day 2 in the morning.
Time Trial swim at Amari pool + 10km warm up ride or drive (van provided) to start of the 35k bike + 10k run.
Day 1 of August Camp – Long ride with scenic view of Pranburi Dam
Camp Hotel for swim leg of Olympic Distance race simulation on Day 2
Camp will focus on getting ready for race day and race execution
1-2 AUG, HUA HIN – Olympic Distance + Pre-race sessions
As your fitness increase, so does the race simulation distance. On day 1 we sessions that will help you perform better on race day, with an easy long ride in the morning, an easy pre-race swim-run in the evening and on Day 2 a race simulation, Olympic Distance
23-25 OCT (long weekend), Hua Hin – Long Distance Camp
Our final camp of the year is focused on long distances, starting with a long race simulation of 2-3k swim, 77k bike and 9.4 to 14.4k on the run, the day after a long ride of 112 to 132km.
Open Water Swim Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Open water Swim Session – every Sunday 8:30am
Open water swim session Schedule
0800-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0900 – Warm up (800 to 1600m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – main set
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
Dear athletes, below the updates for the upcoming month:
*All memberships freezed for 15 days
*Back to group sessions on Sunday, 7th of June
*Weekly virtual group rides on Zwift
*Monthly virtual race on Zwift
*Velodrome confirmed on 27th June
*ironguides club races series starting in June
*Final slots for Hua Hin Camps
Enjoy your training,
Members Updates
As Bangkok on the next phase of lockdown relaxation (starts 1st of June) some of sport facilities reopened for a day time
All memberships freezed for another 15 days. But we are starting with 2 sessions per week for a month, using 50% of membership value. Running track at Supachalasai stadium on Wednesday 18:30 and Open water swim session on Sunday 8:30am. Also monthly Velodrome session confirmed on 27th of June.
Results of Ironguides first virtual bike race on Zwift 16.05.2020
26,4km with 1100m+ elevation gain
1st Romain Raimbault 1h07
2nd Volker Voit 1h11
3rd Matt Barrett 1h14
4th Saha Bhasavanich 1h14
5th Ivan Vlasenko 1h17
6th Andrea De Caprio 1h24
7th Francois Garancher 1h24
8th Matthias Spruyt 1h33
9th Enguerrand Bernoussi 1h35
10th Vinh Nguyen 1h36
The battle for a crown was spectacular. Light weight Romain dropped one of the fastest cyclist in triathlon Volker (IM 70.3 Dubai – 1h57 bike split) and took a win.
Romain with his prize (Optima helmet)
Weekly Virtual Bike classes
We keep our weekly virtual meet-ups on Zwift leading by coach Ivan Vlasenko
Every Tuesday: Ironguides meet up on Zwift, 19:00 (60-75min, short intervals)
How it works:
You need Zwift membership and the right set-up at home, ideally including a smart trainer with resistance and the Zwift Companion app on your phone.
In order to be able to join the meet-up, you need to follow “Ivan Vlasenko” on Zwift and Zwift Companion Application.
Once you follow he will be able to invite you for a “meet-up”, and you need to accept the invitation in the app. It will appear in your planned events in the app.
You must connect to Zwift and start riding by yourself by clicking on “ride” at least 5 minutes before the official starting time. You can select any map, it does not matter. DO NOT click on “Ride with Ivan Vlasenko” on the menu page, else you might miss the official meet-up.
Once “in the game”, you should be able to click on “join Ivan Vlasenko’s meet-up” on the bottom left of the screen. The blue button will appear 5 minutes before the start of the meet-up. We will all be cycling on the Zwift stationary trainer for a few minutes until the official start time, use this as a warm-up and make sure you are ready for the ride (water, food, towels, fan, AC etc).
Ironguides virtual bike race #2
Distance: 48,4km on the roads of 2018 UCI Road World Championship
First athlete across the line on our inaugural Sprint race May 23rd
Part of the 5k run course, and swim course buoy in the background on Camp Day 1 – Sprint Triathlon
Long ride (60km or 100km) on Camp day 2
13-14 & 20-21 June, HUA HIN – Sprint Triathlon + Hills Skills + Long Ride
Sprint Distance Triathlon – `Back to it` camp. After some time of quarantine this camp is perfect for you to build back into training and racing mode. We start with a sprint distance triathlon on Saturday morning, a technique bike session in the hills on Saturday the evening and a long ride on Sunday morning
1-2 AUG, HUA HIN – Olympic Distance + Pre-race sessions
As your fitness increase, so does the race simulation distance. On day 1 we sessions that will help you perform better on race day, with an easy long ride in the morning, an easy pre-race swim-run in the evening and on Day 2 a race simulation, Olympic Distance
23-25 OCT (long weekend), Hua Hin – Long Distance Camp
Our final camp of the year is focused on long distances, starting with a long race simulation of 2-3k swim, 77k bike and 9.4 to 14.4k on the run, the day after a long ride of 112 to 132km.
Open Water Swim Session @Taco Lake
Coached sessions
Weekly Open water Swim Session – Sunday 8:30am
Open water swim session Schedule
0800-0830 – Arrival & Gear prep
0830-0915 – Warm up (800 to 1600m or open water skills workshop)
0915-1000 – Race Simulation + cool down (1600m)
TRI-DASH THAILAND: 10% OFF at any event during 2020 – use our coupon code on the members area when registering for the race
Training Plan library
Training Plans library updated (workouts in 3 levels Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced):
* 9 Training plans (3 distances in 3 levels):
Ironman, Half Ironman, Short Course & Duathlon training plans available
* Documents:
-11-page Ironman 70.3 race manual
-Traveling guidelines, Big day – Race simulation workout.
-21 race workouts to your short course plan, ironman recovery guidelines
-guidelines on nutrition, recovery, stress & core training
Access training plan area and sponsor discount codes HERE
Canned Training Plans now in THAI language
โปรแกรมฝึก (ไทย) หรือ คลิก เพื่อดูภาษาอังกฤษ. Training Plans (in Thai) or click here for training plans in English ironguides มีโปรแกรมฝึกที่เหมาะสมกับประสบการณ์และรายการแข่งที่คุณตั้งไว้เป็นเป้าหมาย ทุกโปรแกรมที่ตั้งอยู่บนหลักของ The Method ™ ให้รายละเอียดสำหรับแต่ละครั้งการฝึกสำหรับระยะเวลาที่ดีที่สุดในการเตรียมตัวเพื่อให้คุณอยู่ที่จุดสตาร์ดด้วยความรู้สึกที่ฟิต สุขภาพดี และมีความมั่นใจ
Online Booking system for drop in classes
Online Booking system for drop in athletes
In order to maintain quality of our sessions as our group grows, we now require advanced booking for drop in athletes via our website – it’s a very easy and simple system and takes less than 2 minutes. Please understand that no more cash payments will be accepted. Note that tri-club members aren’t required to book their presence.
The aim is to increase workout quality to club members while still providing the opportunity for non-members to come in casually & allowing new athletes to try out.
How to make your booking online:
1) Access > booking option is on the top of the page > Select desired class
2) Select date > Confirm availability > Fill in name + email > Send
3) Confirm details > finalize payment via paypal > receive confirmation email. No refund since when you book a class you take one limited slot.
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