January’s edition of the e-kick is all about understanding the importance of the off-season and how to transition into the new year – doing the right mix now can make your break your 2016 season.
Enjoy the read,
ironguides team
Articles from the Coaches
Coach Woody: Gain Weight for Improved Performance
We seem to have a non stop stream of articles in the triathlon media regarding weight loss and getting down to race weight, how to plan your year to be lean and light for race day. Having worked with athletes of all levels from beginner to ironman winning pro athletes i have to ask the question is lightest and leanest always the best solution for race day?. (more)
Coach Vinnie: Off-season – Race is over, now what?
Your last race of the season is behind you and it is time to take that well deserved break. However you know how much work you put in to get to where you are right now, and if you would like to preserve most of your new fitness level, you should stay active in the off-season while you train certain things.. (more)
Coach Shem: Recovery 101
This article is for the newer triathlete who has got bitten by the bug and is starting to train every day. As your training volume increases to 8 – 10 hours or more a week, and you are getting familiar with mixing up your perceived effort levels, the issue of recovery becomes important. (more)
Coach Woody: Off-Season: Start with the most important step
At ironguides, our whole philosophy is based upon improving one step at a time or, as we like to call it, brick by brick. ironguides Coach Alun ‘Woody’ Woodward offers superb advice on using the off-season to get a headstart on making the season the best it can be. (more)
Coach Woody: Does Speed Kill?
It’s that all important and exciting time of the year again for all of us, the race season is well and truly done now and hopefully you have all had a period of rest and chilling out letting the body recover from the stresses of training and racing. This time of year is exciting as we are looking forward to new goals and setting a training plan up to help achieve them. (more)
Our Coaching Services
Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)
If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)
At $49USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)
Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Only 145USD
The ironguides 16-week Half Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Half Ironman Triathlon. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)
“I trained for and completed my first race, the 2011 Steelhead Whirlpool 70.3 Ironman in August 2011. Thank you for your training materials on your website. I am 28 years old and insulin-dependent diabetic. I have never thought about an endurance event, much less an Ironman. I became desperate for advice and everyone else seemed clueless. Without your advice I wouldn’t be an official Ironman finisher. Thank you, ironguides!” – Matthew Strayer, November 2011
Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages
Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)
“My position as a CFO requires me to work 60 hours per week. My family commitments are my wife and three sons, aged 16, 14 and 2.5. ironguides provides me with customized training plans which are structured around my busy work schedule. These training plans have helped me maintain a high level of training volume with no injury down-time. My coach also provides helpful nutritional advice and adapts my plans as and when my work demands result in increased stress levels. I decided to work with ironguides in 2009 after I registered for my first Ironman. Since I was returning to the sport, after a 20+-year absence, I believed that ironguides would structure a customized training program for me which would enable me achieve my lifetime goal of completing an Ironman, which I accomplished. My first race under ironguides was 2009 Ironman 70.3 Philippines with a first place finish in the 45-49 age group. ” – Bill Dobson, ironguides Athlete, CFO & father of 3
Off-Season Training Plan – Only $49/month
The Off Season Triathlon Training Subscription Plan suits all athletes who are looking for a reduced training volume while maintaining sport-specific skills in each sport. The plan is designed to provide recovery from the racing season with enough training to ensure you maintain hard-won motor skills, and flexibility that ensures you can easily opt out and enjoy other sports and activities in your post-season recovery. The program provides a light, balanced training mix using the structure and principles The Method to keep you feeling light and snappy until it’s time to pick up the training again.
“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season” Keegan Scott
Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource
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