Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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July 2015

Dear athletes,

Find out how Lyndsey Fraser won her first Ironman by one minute in the Athlete Profile section. Coach Woody has an article providing tips on how to get your training done at the same time as balancing other aspects in life.  From Coach Vinnie, an article on appropriate race day swim gear.  We now have training plans in Thai available at the link included below.


Enjoy the read,

ironguides team

Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: Getting the job done

Triathlon training is very demanding on our time and even the best plan will create time issues when we have so many other at times uncontrollable issues to deal with such as family, jobs and general life! Coach Woody has tips on getting your training done while balancing with everything else.


 Coach Vinnie: Appropriate race day swim gear can make you swim faster

This article from Coach Vinnie was written based on years of watching age group triathletes in South East Asian races, in which the wetsuit isn’t legal as the water is just too hot. You will learn the options that you have when it comes to race day gear for the swim portion. (more)

Destination race special: Ironman Fortaleza, Brazil, November 8th, 2015

If you are looking for an exotic destination race, consider Ironman Fortaleza, in Brazil on November 8th. The inaugural race was held last year and it’s now the second full Ironman distance event in the country, the original Ironman Brazil in Florianopolis had its 15th edition this past May.

Profiles:  Lyndsey Fraser

If you are training for your first ironman, your only and main goal should be to complete the distance. Anything other than that is a bonus, no exception. To have any performance goals on your first race is a very risky strategy, since you will be focus on the outcome of the race instead on executing the important steps to do the best you can.

However, once in a while some first timers can do extremely well in their first attempt, the story below is from Lyndsey Fraser, a Scottish national living in Bangkok and working full time as a teacher, who I coached to her first ironman in Taiwan 2015. Lyndsey won her age group (F25-29) by less than one minute and took her qualifying slot to the ironman world championships in Kona, Hawaii


Specific Race Plans

ironguides has launched specific training plans for some of our readers favorite Ironman races. The plans were designed based on the conditions and needs of each course and will provide our athletes specific sessions that will get them race ready – Learn more about each plan:

Ironman Malaysia – English Language: Learn more, sales through our partner asiatri.com: 


Ironman Florianopolis – Portuguese language only : Learn morehttp://www.ironguides.com.br/plan-ironman-florianopolis/


Ironman Fortaleza – Portuguese language only: Learn more http://www.ironguides.com.br/plan-ironman-fortaleza/

New from ironguides: advanced level canned training plans

If you are a high performance amateur triathlete but you can’t afford hiring a coach, you have now the option to buy our advanced level canned training plans.

Learn more:


Coaching Service Offers

Beginners Coaching: Ironman as a first triathlon

If you have no experience in triathlon but would like to complete an ironman or half ironman, we can certainly help you. The key is to have realistic goals for the (half)ironman and to be disciplined about the preparations. With your commitment, ironguides can definitely guide you in this challenge. It would be a mistake to underestimate the challenge that half and full ironman distance brings for any triathlete, let alone an inexperienced one. However, with the right preparation, both physically and mentally, and a proper race plan that includes a tailored nutrition strategy, ironguides can get you to the start line feeling confident, excited and ready.  (more)

“Late in 2005 I found myself very motivated to start some physical training and I decided to take part in an Ironman in May 2006. However there were three major problems: 1, I had never done a triathlon; 2, I couldn’t swim (major issue!); 3, I had Diabetes. My first training session was a swim lesson on Dec. 12, 2005; I had to stop three times to swim across the very long 25-metre pool. My goal was very simple: to finish the ironman race within the 17-hour cutoff. I was improving weekly and two weeks before the event I swam 3.8k in 1h44’, that gave me the confidence I needed. On race day, after 16h38min, my goal was accomplished and I could call myself an ironman.”

Kener Assis, from beginner to ironman, May 2006

Intermediate: Busy Athletes

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running.


“My position as a CFO requires me to work 60 hours per week. My family commitments are my wife and three sons,  aged 16, 14 and 2.5. ironguides provides me with customized training plans which are structured around my busy work schedule.  These training plans have helped me maintain a high level of training volume with no injury down-time.  My coach also provides helpful nutritional advice and adapts my plans as and when my work demands result in increased stress levels.

I decided to work with ironguides in 2009 after I registered for my first Ironman. Since I was returning to the sport, after a 20+-year absence, I believed that ironguides would structure a customized training program for  me which would enable me achieve my lifetime goal of completing an Ironman, which I accomplished. My first race under ironguides was 2009 Ironman 70.3 Philippines with a first place finish in the 45-49 age group. ”

– Bill Dobson, ironguides Athlete, CFO & father of 3

Monthly Subscriptions: Bike Focus

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills.


“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”

Keegan Scott

Training plans now available in Thai

ironguides training plans are now available in Thai and can be found here.

ironguides Brazil now on Facebook

Now ironguides Brazil has its own Facebook Page with content in Portuguese.

Agora, a ironguides Brasil tem sua própria página no Facebook, conteúdo em Português.

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]


Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

Tritops – price

ironguides coached athlete price 55 USD

non coached athlete 75 USD

Bike jersey – price

ironguides coached athlete price 45 USD

non coached athlete 65 USD

In This Issue


 Articles from the Coaches  


Lyndsey Fraser


 Specific Race Plans

• Advanced level canned training plans

 Coaching Service Offers 

 Training plans now available in Thai

 ironguides Brazil now on Facebook

 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets


 Tri Gear: 2014 trisuit and bike jersey are ready 

Website Refresh

We refreshed our website! Did you notice? Check out our new look at ironguides.net

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