Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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May 2016

Have you wondered what type of training the professionals triathletes do on the bike that can be useful for the everyday age grouper? Watch our video and learn more about it.

Read also our articles on how to deal with the challenges of ironman training, and learn the benefits of strength to endurance athletes

Enjoy the read,
ironguides team

Video: The triathlon cycling workout of World Champions 

The below video explains a very simple yet important workout that will take your cycling to the next level and will also help your swim and run training since this will boost your recovery when positioned after your endurance sessions via hormonal balance (an anabolic stimulus after a catabolic endurance training): Read article and watch video.

Articles from the Coaches

 Speed: A Key Skill for Every Endurance Athlete – Coach Woody

Conventional wisdom and training practices have created a void between coaching of endurance sports and that of high-skill sports such as basketball and soccer. Are these sports really so different in their demands and as such should the training be so different? In endurance sports it seems almost set in stone that any program must start with building a base, aimed at spending all available training time logging slow easy miles to build aerobic fitness. This practice has even created a paranoia and fear of speed sessions and interval work. (more)

  Navigating the Ups and Downs of Ironman Training – Coach Shem

The Ironman training cycle is a crazy rollercoaster ride that can take you from good days, filled with hope and confidence to nightmare “off” days that will leave even the fittest athlete discouraged and questioning their ability to even cross the finish line. This article offers advice on how to spot the patterns of overtraining and how to minimise the “down” days for a more balanced, manageable and effective training cycle. (more)

  Strength Training: Benefits for Endurance Athletes – Coach Woody

The topic of strength training in endurance sports is always a controversial one, with some coaches avoiding it at all costs and others praising it as the key to success. Over the past few years strength training has really started to make a big comeback; almost every magazine dedicated to endurance sports will have a section on strength training. Articles in this section always relay the same message: functional exercises are the only type of strength work that will benefit endurance athletes. (more)

Our Coaching Services

Event and distance-based training plans to help you achieve your goal: a one-stop shopping experience that will ensure the right preparation for your chosen target race. Follow the plan and you’ll be ready! (more)

If you’re looking for the most personalized training plan and coaching advice, this is the program for you. We offer Basic, Complete and Premium Online Coaching. High performance athletes, this is for you! (more)

At $39USD/month, Our monthly subscription plans offer a more tailored approach focusing on different disciplines and levels. We offer, for example, a Beginner Triathlon subscription plan, or a Swim-focus Triathlon program, and a Run-focus Triathlon program. Great value! (more)

Special Offer: 20-Week Ironman Plans Advanced Level – Your ticket to Kona and a Personal Best – Only 145USD

The ironguides 20-week Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Ironman. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. Based on The Method, a sophisticated yet simple way of training high-performing athletes developed in more than two decades, this plan will give you all you need to be ready physically and mentally for your next challenge.. (more)

“Twelve months ago I decided to do Ironman China with the aim of maybe qualifying for the World Championships in Kona. I purchased the ironguides 20-week Ironman program, and followed it reasonably closely for the 20 weeks leading up to the Ironman. Well, it worked!! I finished in 9:52 – the 2nd fastest age group time at the race – and I confirmed my spot at the World Championships in Hawaii. Woo hoo!!!” – David Bently, ironguides athlete at Ironman China 2010

Qualify to the World Championships with our Personalized Online Coaching packages 

Life can be hectic. That doesn’t mean training for and racing in triathlons is impossible. If you’re a busy person, whether a novice or an experienced athlete, this is the training option for you. Your ironguides Coach will develop a training routine that is tailored to your limited amount of time available for swimming, cycling and running. You will receive time-efficient workouts. You’ll be amazed at the quality of training you can do when time comes at a premium. This training plan will be tailored to your agenda and fit into your busy routine. In fact, many of our athletes fit into this category—with time-consuming corporate jobs and young families—because triathletes typically tend to be high achievers and we at ironguides know all about that.. (more)


“When I signed up for ironguides, my goal was to break 11 hours in a full Ironman and break five hours in a half Ironman while still juggling with my professional & personal life. ironguides helped me achieve both of of them. I owe this to the carefully built training plans from my coach and from the confidence I had in the approach. As a bonus I also learned that triathlon is not only about the numbers but it became my lifestyle & passion! ” – Vagner Bessa

Bike Focus Training Plan – Only $39/month

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills. The Bike Focus program teaches you to ride “triathlon style” so that you conserve your run muscles and glycogen, control your heart rate, and leave your fast twitch fibers ready for a strong run. The program follows the principles and structure of The Method to ensure quality training and full day-to-day recovery..

“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season”
Keegan Scott

Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides’ free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

… an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body’s signals and knowing to trust one’s own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don’t waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]

Tri Gear

ironguides updated catalogue!  Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

Featured ironguides athletes around the world 

 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides’ Triathlon Secrets
 ironguides ffiliate programme 

 Tri Gear

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