By Vinnie Santana, online Coach,

I don’t believe in Magic formulas or secret training workouts, improving in triathlon is a result of years of consistent training and hard work.

However, training smart can have an impact on your development in the sport, it can be the difference of maxing out your full potential, achieving your goals becoming a great athlete (regardless of your level and goals) to failing to achieve your goals and quitting.

The below video explains a very simple yet important workout that will take your cycling to the next level and will also help your swim and run training since this will boost your recovery when positioned after your endurance sessions via hormonal balance (an anabolic stimulus after a catabolic endurance training).

The first person who introduced me to this workout was ironguides founder Marc Becker in 2013, who after years of working in the corporate world saw the opportunity to add this workout year long to most of the training plans we use at ironguides.

As a professional athlete from 2004 and 2007, I was also introduced to this workout and some variations of it by my former coach Brett Sutton, who coached multiple Ironman World Champions and Olympic Medalist and who is a big believer in low cadence riding.

Then working as a coach, I took part a workshop by former ITU World Champion Sheila Taormina, who also referred to this workout as the most important session she would do on the bike.

Most recently Chris McCormack a 4x World Champion also mentioned on his podcast this is a type of training every professional triathlete has on their training plans.

Enjoy your training


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