Our eKick this month has a variety of articles to help you with your training and racing! Check it out.

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June 2015

Dear athletes,

Time is flying and we're already into June! There's still time to plan for races at the end of the year or think ahead to 2016.  In this edition, Coach Woody has tips for the bike leg of Ironman distance races.  


Enjoy the read,
ironguides team


Articles from the Coaches

 Coach Woody: KABOOM

You’re flying along enjoying your first Ironman then you hit 120km and KABOOM!!

How many athletes experience this at 120km in an Ironman ride, it’s amazing how often this happens and athletes have a very logical but false impression of how to prevent this. Our natural response is we do not have enough endurance and therefore need to do more long rides and runs!!


Coach Shem:  How to be Good at Triathlon
Consistency and Repetition are the big secrets to all the top triathletes out there. If you were looking for a magic formula or a short cut to success I’m afraid to tell you there is none. (more)

Profiles:  Felix Jaber

 In February 2009 Felix Jaber joined ironguides after he had decided to make important and dramatic changes to his life a little over a year earlier. Tipping the scales at 130kg and facing health problems, Felix had committed to improving his health and losing weight. Along the way he realised that alcohol was part of the problem so he did something about it. Then he decided to become a triathlete. Working with ironguides coach Alun Woodward, Felix started with a goal to complete Cancun 70.3 in 2009. He did and is now training for his first Ironman. Here is his remarkable story. (more)


Specific Race Plans

ironguides has launched specific training plans for some of our readers favorite Ironman races. The plans were designed based on the conditions and needs of each course and will provide our athletes specific sessions that will get them race ready – Learn more about each plan:

Ironman Malaysia – English Language: Learn more, sales through our partner asiatri.com: 

Ironman Florianopolis – Portuguese language only : Learn morehttp://www.ironguides.com.br/plan-ironman-florianopolis/


Ironman Fortaleza – Portuguese language only: Learn more http://www.ironguides.com.br/plan-ironman-fortaleza/

New from ironguides: advanced level canned training plans

If you are a high performance amateur triathlete but you can’t afford hiring a coach, you have now the option to buy our advanced level canned training plans.

Learn more: 


Coaching Service Offers

Beginners Coaching: Triathlon for Health and Weight Loss

If you are struggling with a boring exercise routine that keeps you trapped in the gym, join ironguides to discover that fitness and losing weight is not a chore you’d rather avoid at all costs. Training for a triathlon is a lot of fun and you will soon find that you are motivated to work out consistently (more)

“I had ballooned to 130 kilograms (286 pounds) at age 40 and knew something had to be done. I said to myself, What if I could train and do triathlons? I signed up for a race in six months but felt training-wise I wasn’t doing things right so I kept looking for plans and that is how I found ironguides and decided to give it a shot. The sessions were entertaining and challenging. I finally did my first race and felt great after, but I still weighed over 100 kg, then my coach decided it was time to to work in my nutrition – the results were amazing. I lost over 25 kg (55 pounds) in 7 months and ended up weighing 80 kg. Three years later, I still weigh the same and have finished many races including two full Ironmans.”

– Felix Jaber, ironguides Athlete, from Obese to Ironman

Intermediate Half Ironman Training Plan

The ironguides 16-week Half Ironman Distance Triathlon Training Manual provides all the information you need to successfully prepare for your next Half Ironman Triathlon. It’s effective, efficient, safe and fun. (more)

“I trained for and completed my first race, the 2011 Steelhead Whirlpool 70.3 Ironman in August 2011. Thank you for your training materials on your website.  I am 28 years old and insulin-dependent diabetic. I have never thought about an endurance event, much less an Ironman. I became desperate for advice and everyone else seemed clueless. Without your advice I wouldn’t be an official Ironman finisher. Thank you, ironguides!”

– Matthew Strayer, November 2011

Monthly Subscriptions: Bike Focus

The ironguides Bike Focus Triathlon Training Subscription program is perfect for the athlete who struggles with sluggish, uninspired cycling splits in their triathlon results. Much of your training time will focus on building bike strength and power, while maintaining or somewhat improving swim and run skills.


“I’ve always been self-coached but didn’t want the commitment of a coach while I was interested in following a structure that works. The subscription service is a great idea as I’m still able to train using The Method, while it fits my budget and gives me flexibility to change the focus from single discipline to the balanced programme as I progress into the season"
Keegan Scott

ironguides Brazil now on Facebook

Now ironguides Brazil has its own Facebook Page with content in Portuguese.

Agora, a ironguides Brasil tem sua própria página no Facebook, conteúdo em Português.

Free eBook: ironguides' Triathlon Secrets, a superb tri resource

Download ironguides' free ebook Triathlon Secrets and discover the secrets of Olympic medalists and Ironman champions.

Excerpts from Triathlon Secrets:

 … an obsession with data took hold of me and began to displace the spontaneous joy I used to experience in training…

…The Method meant learning to read the body's signals and knowing to trust one's own intuitive understanding…

…enables you to develop a broad feel for the workings of your body. Like life, training by The Method is a qualitative experience!

…don't waste time or energy readjusting to new, haphazard sessions and reconfiguring weekly schedules…

…train to maximum efficiency (for your situation) while optimizing recovery… [more]


Tri Gear: 2014 tritop now available

ironguides has new tritop available! Check the photos out below or download our catalogue for more details. 

Tritops – price
ironguides coached athlete price 55 USD
non coached athlete 75 USD

Bike jersey – price
ironguides coached athlete price 45 USD
non coached athlete 65 USD

In This Issue

 Articles from the Coaches  

•Felix Jaber

 ironguides Brazil now on Facebook
 Specific Race Plans
Advanced level canned training plans
 Coaching Service Offers 
 Free eBook: ironguides' Triathlon Secrets

 Tri Gear: 2014 trisuit and bike jersey are ready 

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