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Understanding the wind tunnel and its impact on your equipment decisions

Specialized bicycles have just recently built their own wind runnel to have unlimited access to testing their equipment and build the most aerodynamic bikes, helmets and accessories to their athletes and costumers. This was a great move for their RD and marketing team as they can now go into details on the type of aerodynamics savins each of their equipment will save you.

The video above is a great example that shows why their new Shiv frame can save you a lot of time compared to a standard time trial frame, as the Shiv was designed for an optimal combination of aerodynamics and fueling by holding a “fuel cell” that also work as a fairing and holding a water compartment inside the frameset. This testing shows a great amount of savings (up to 77 seconds over 40km – Olympic Distance Triathlon) and also the importance of aerodynamics in this sport.

However, many other tests done by all type of equipment companies should be taken carefully by the athletes, at the end of the day, the wind tunnel isn’t the real world and you can’t replicate some of the race day situations that the athlete goes through in a quick test run in the wind tunnel.



Triathlon attracts a specific type of individual that most times has a high degree of attention to details. Triathletes are also very competitive, either by trying to improve their own times in race and training or to achieve certain placing in specific events.

With this personality in mind, the sports industry marketing team aims to pass on to their cleints and athletes, a message that their products will make you faster. The two most common ways to achieve that are:

1) Sponsoring high performance athletes

By sponsoring high performance athletes, companies are adding credibility to their brands and equipment, after all “if that Ironman champion uses certain equipment/brand, it has to be decent”. However it is important to undestand that professional triathletes experience a different reality to the average age grouper. They have better skills, higher fitness level and are on the course for a much shorter time

It is difficult for example to compare the bike fit of a working age grouper who is a beginner in the sport, with a professional triathlete in their mid twenties. Remember that most of the high performance equipment is designed to suit the high performance athletes.

2) Design certain equipment based on wind tunnel testing

The wind tunnel is a great tool and allows companies to measure the drag of their equipment.

There are some flaws with that system though, most of the testing is run at 50kph (30mph) to create better results as the faster the speed, the bigger the difference in drag since the wind resistance increases exponentially. 

Certain type of equipment choices may make a big difference at 50kph but won’t be such an issue at a more real world speed of 30kph.

Bike fit is another aspect of real world racing that can be overlooked in the wind tunnel, as the tests are run for only a few minutes, so while it may feel easy to stay in a very low and aggressive position to save several minutes, on race day you will be moving around a lot more often, staying out of the aerobars, hydrating and stretching.

And finally, the wind tunnel doesn’t offer the climate challenges as wind, rain or technique skills such as dangerous downhills or turns.

Based on these ideas, very often I see beginner triathletes opting for equipment that may not be appropriate for them.


Carbon racing wheels are almost a compulsory equipment for the elite triathletes, very often a disc wheel is also the faster option (based on wind tunnel testing). Tubular tires are also slightly faster than clinchers.

However for a beginner or intermediate level triathlete, these type of wheels may also become a challenge in the below situations:

Confidence:   A carbon braking rim isn’t as effective as an aluminum rim. If you ever raced in a technical and wet course (the downhills of Phuket Triathlon comes to mind), you know that you wish you had better braking at these situations.

Flat tyre: If you have changed a tubular tyre before you know how difficult it can be. If this is on race day, with sweaty hands, it becomes even more difficult. Back in 2005, at Ironman Hawaii, defending Ironman World Champion Normann Stadler lost several minutes waiting for the support vehicle as he couldn’t change his own tyre. And that is coming from a very experienced triathlete with decades of experience.

Consider using clincher wheels with aluminum braking surfaces if you aren’t a skilled or confident biker.

Chrissie Wellington, a 4-time World Champion is a good example of a equipment set up that increased her confidence: drop bars, STI shifters/brakes with clip on aerobars and a clincher shallow front wheel


In theory, integrated aerobars are the fastest options for time trial bikes, however this freespeed comes at a very high price of flat base bars that can be very slippery in wet races and time trial brake levers that aren’t as reliable.

One option is to use the traditional road cycling drop bars, with STI shifters/brakes and a clip on aerobars. This will give you a better grip in case of wet weather and better braking

The bottom line is, while technology and science is here to help, make sure these are also appropriate for athletes of all fitness and skill levels.

Enjoy your training!

Vinnie Santana

ironguides is the leading Lifestyle Facilitation company for athletes of all abilities. We provide coaching and training services, plans and programs, as well training education, health and fitness products to help you learn and live a healthy lifestyle. Come get fit with one of our monthly training subscriptions, event-specific training plans, coaching services, or a triathlon training camp in an exotic location! ironguides also provides Corporate Health services including Corporate Triathlons, Healthy Living retreats and speaking engagements. At ironguides, your best is our business!

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Athlete Profile: Alexis Girin


First up – Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a French citizen, living in Asia for 5 years now, married with my beautiful wife, Caroline and we are blessed to have 3 lovely children,  Noemie 8, Anthonin 6 and Mathilde 2. They give us joy and satisfaction every day. I started triathlon 4 years ago in Thailand doing my first 70.3 in Phuket casually with friends. I completed it in 5h48. I was able to improve over the next few years to 5h19, and then 5h08 last year. I joined MetaSport in September 2015. It was the perfect place to meet great people an

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Video: The triathlon cycling workout of World Champions

By Vinnie Santana, online Coach,

I don’t believe in Magic formulas or secret training workouts, improving in triathlon is a result of years of consistent training and hard work.

However, training smart can have an impact on your development in the sport, it can be the difference of maxing out your full potential, achieving your goals becoming a great athlete (regardless of your level and goals) to failing to achieve your goals and quitting.

The below video explains a very simple yet important workout that will take your cycling to the next level and will also help your swim and run training since this will boost your recovery when positioned after your endurance sessions via hormonal balance (an anabolic stimulus after a catabolic endurance training).

The first person who introduced me to this workout was ironguides founder Marc Becker in 2013, who after years of working in the corporate world saw the opportunity to add this workout year long to most of the training plans we use at ironguides.

As a professional athlete from 2004 and 2007, I was also introduced to this workout and some variations of it by my former coach Brett Sutton, who coached multiple Ironman World Champions and Olympic Medalist and who is a big believer in low cadence riding.

Then working as a coach, I took part a workshop by former ITU World Champion Sheila Taormina, who also referred to this workout as the most important session she would do on the bike.

Most recently Chris McCormack a 4x World Champion also mentioned on his podcast this is a type of training every professional triathlete has on their training plans.

Enjoy your training


Train with ironguides!

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Monthly Training plans (for all levels, or focused on one discipline): Only USD39/months

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Sprint Distance (USD45 for 8-week plan)

Olympic Distance (USD65 for 12 week plan)

Half Ironman (R$95 for 16-week plan)

Ironman (USD145 for 20-week plan)

X-Terra (USD65 for 12-week plan)

Running Plans (10k, 21k and 42k – starting at USD40)


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